Днями отримано рахунок на оплату дозволу на роботу СПС, присвяченому 200 річчю з дня народження Т.Г. Шевченко.
Рахунок проплачено того ж дня. Запрошуємо для роботи в команді запорізьких (обл) аматорів. Активність проводитиметься на протязі березня місяця 2014 року. Деталі обговорюватимуться серед членів команди.
QSL ювілейного СПС
To the 200th anniversary since birth
Taras Shevchenko - outstanding Ukrainian poet, novelist, playwrite, painter, political and
social activist. He was a man of versatile talents and interests. All his life and work were
devoted to the Ukrainian people. The poet dreamed of the time when his country would
be an independent sovereign state and when the Ukrainian language, culture and history
of the people, and people will be happy. The name 'Taras Shevchenko' is known all over
the world and many countries have monuments. His works have been translated into
many languages all over the world. Ukraine named schools, theaters, squares, streets of
the city. and National Opera of Ukraine, Kyiv National University have all shared his name.
The Kyiv central boulevard of the city also has the name of this prominent son of the
Ukrainian people - Taras Shevchenko.
Op group UT3QU-Ivan; UY2QQ-Alex; UV3QF-Igor; US5QLJ-Vlad